Monday, October 1, 2012

New Earrings!!

Yes indeed I went shopping some more while in Korea. I'm almost done writing about the trip in Korea so please bear with me! ^^

This one is going to be EXTREMELY short. Mostly consists of pictures of the new earrings I got! I am so excited that I found these earrings!... or did they find me? I don't know. I love them though. You'll see why in just a second!

Below are first some pictures of the beautiful and decorative brooches, earrings, and other flashy decor that I  really wanted to buy, but didn't. If I could, I would buy the whole store of bling bling! ^^

This is actually me with a messy but ADORABLE bun!... I think so anyways. Sadly, I've not been able to replicate it ever since. =(

Brooches! Ahhhh me want...

Anything from rustic...

To classy!

Just admiring the sink. Notice the soap dispenser attached to the mirror. Did not approve. =P

Can you see me? ^^

A stuffed bus on our way home

My first set!! Gorgeous earrings. Probably my favorite. If you look up close, they look JUST like standard earrings, but they clip on! No I don't have piercings. But lookee lookee isn't it awesome? =D Sadly it DOES hurt after a while. I found a specific point on the ear that actually doesn't hurt that bad.

More vanity... ^^

White crystal. Teardrops!

More autumny and Asian in my opinion

Yes yes I'm done flaunting the jewels. ^^

And that's all folks! See? Short a sweet. ;) ^^

LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hyundai Department Stores

Sorry it's taken soooo long for me to make another blog post about my trip in Korea! Getting back home to the States has proved very hectic compared to what I imagined having just graduated. :-/ I thought I'd get a break!... well... I guess I have been procrastinating quite a bit. Hehehe. ^^

Anyways! So this is about my day trip with my aunt, mom, and sis to the Hyundai Department Store. I was quite excited to go to this clothing department store, because I was told that actors, models, and rich people went to shop there. I was hoping that I might run into somebody that I was a fan of. Or if not, at least maybe they'd have some fashionable clothing that I could drool over. =P

To say the least, I was quite disappointed in both aspects. I didn't meet any model or actor, and as you will see per the photos, the clothing looked just like the stuff at home!! Oooh but that's not all of course. They had stores such as Guess, Levi's, Chanel, Lancome, Zenith, among others. In the USA on the West Coast, it's not too hard to find very nice clothing that would be at most $100, or makeup kits that would cost around that same price in brand name stores. As a matter of fact, we could get the same brand name items for cheaper at places like Ross or TJ Maxx. In Korea, the prices are astronomical! There was a pair of 501 pre-washed Levi's selling for 890,000 won... about $800. Besides this, I saw a gorgeous, simple, light, and elegant Ralph Lauren dress made of 100% cotton, having a flowery pattern and an off-white background, running for 1,600,000 won! That's almost $1600!! O_o YIPES! So, if anything, I was entertained at how expensive all of the name-brand products cost, things that could get at home for maybe $30-50 depending on where you shop. Basically, the Hyundai Department Stores consisted of Western brands that came from Europe and the USA. Personally, I was quite happy shopping at Myong Dong Department Stores. ^^

Of course, I didn't buy anything, I just snuck pictures, as I believe that the store employees didn't want anyone taking pictures of their products. After browsing around, we found a food department in the basement. It looked similar to that of Myong Dong, but it had macaroons, ice cream, fresh baked goods, and soo jeh bi!! =D ... did I spell that right? Anyways, su jae bi is a delicious soup made of some sort of broth and typically wheat/rice chunks (could never figure it out). You eat it with barley rice (yum!!) and kimchi!... speaking of which I want some right now. ^^

I won't hold back the pics any longer. Hehehe. ENJOY!! ^^

The clothing that greeted us upon entrance

New Balance shoes

Can you Guess? ;)

 Well hello there!

 This was one of the cheapest pairs of Guess jeans

More clothing


This is a shorter version of that $1600 Ralph Lauren dress

Purses... She stole on! Kidding.

Okay um.. so that guy is sitting on something that is supposed to help stabilize your spine or something... it just looks wrong the way he's rocking on that thing.

CAKE!! Oooh I wanted some so bad.

Say hello to a relative 

This is a blade-less fan. The guy couldn't figure out how it worked. =P

Sorry for the blur. :( I was kinda on the run. But I LOVE those dishes!

Fresh dried foods

Fresh bread!

I want some....


Did you know they had rice ice cream?

Now THAT'S the stuff!

Makeup floor

Ooooh shiny!

This was the bathroom... I was kinda intrigued by the baby seat... 

In case you can't read, the bathrooms are blatantly color-coded. Can you guess?

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Just the Average

This whole time I've been talking about all the fancy stores and the weird things in Korea that I've run across... well, mainly the brand names and the exotic attire. If I'm not running around shopping, stumbling upon something new and weird... or cool... then I am usually settled down in my aunt's 10th floor apartment home. ^^

Self side profile!

Can you guess??

Blub blub blub they're much cuter in big tanks

My aunt in front is AWESOME! She's using cardboard for shade!!! =D

I finally decided to settle down a little and just talk about the basics of at-home life. Lately I've found myself sitting at home a lot, just writing blogs, sleeping, chatting with friends in the US, and the like. Oh yes!! And eating ICE CREAM SANDWICHES!!!


It's missing part of it's tail. Uh oh. =P

My fishy goooone. ='( =P

After a tasty snack of ice cream sandwich mid-afternoon, I sometimes go about getting the laundry done, whether it's hanging them to dry (I never really washed them) or folding them... or just looking at them for fun. =P

This is the way we dry our clothes!

 And get a view of the neighbors...

If was not doing any of the above, I may be found cleaning dishes from lunch or cleaning the ever dusty floors. I tell you, my laptop gets COVERED in dust by mid-afternoon... having JUST cleaned it this morning >.< By evening time however, at around 7:00pm or 8:00pm, it's time for munchies!! Either we go out to eat at a local restaurant, or we have get to cozy up around a shin-high wooden-fold-up table on nice fluffy cushions. In any case. I thought I was going to crave home food like there wasn't another life left!! Strangely enough... I only miss a few things... Pizza, pho, and Krispy Kreme! YUM!
