Saturday, July 7, 2012

Just the Average

This whole time I've been talking about all the fancy stores and the weird things in Korea that I've run across... well, mainly the brand names and the exotic attire. If I'm not running around shopping, stumbling upon something new and weird... or cool... then I am usually settled down in my aunt's 10th floor apartment home. ^^

Self side profile!

Can you guess??

Blub blub blub they're much cuter in big tanks

My aunt in front is AWESOME! She's using cardboard for shade!!! =D

I finally decided to settle down a little and just talk about the basics of at-home life. Lately I've found myself sitting at home a lot, just writing blogs, sleeping, chatting with friends in the US, and the like. Oh yes!! And eating ICE CREAM SANDWICHES!!!


It's missing part of it's tail. Uh oh. =P

My fishy goooone. ='( =P

After a tasty snack of ice cream sandwich mid-afternoon, I sometimes go about getting the laundry done, whether it's hanging them to dry (I never really washed them) or folding them... or just looking at them for fun. =P

This is the way we dry our clothes!

 And get a view of the neighbors...

If was not doing any of the above, I may be found cleaning dishes from lunch or cleaning the ever dusty floors. I tell you, my laptop gets COVERED in dust by mid-afternoon... having JUST cleaned it this morning >.< By evening time however, at around 7:00pm or 8:00pm, it's time for munchies!! Either we go out to eat at a local restaurant, or we have get to cozy up around a shin-high wooden-fold-up table on nice fluffy cushions. In any case. I thought I was going to crave home food like there wasn't another life left!! Strangely enough... I only miss a few things... Pizza, pho, and Krispy Kreme! YUM!


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Crossing my fingers!

I promise promise promise that I'll post another blog here in a jiffy! Things have been so hectic as my closing weeks in Korea drew nearer, that the final shopping, visiting, sight-seeing, and traveling went into full throttle. And of course as many a traveler knows, packing and weighing and repacking and then reweighing according to policies had to be done about a week ahead of time. But by the time the day before the departure for home came, we had to repack and reweigh and rearrange. Hahaha! Oh dear me... Anyways! I will get another blog post up with the rest of the trip to Korea.