Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Dongdaemun Shopping Centers

We made our way through a crammed and jammed sidewalk. Many foreigners seem to convene in these parts, Indians, Germans, Ukranian, Chinese, Japanese, Americans (YAY!) and other nationalities. While making my way across the sidewalk, I saw a man with no lower leg, which would have consisted of his tibia and fibula. :( He still had his patellar bone, so the lower leg was but a stump. He also had a patch on his eye. It was a sad sight, as he stood by the subway station begging for money. As I got off the sidewalk I saw yet another individual in the same condition. In his case however, I think he may have a slight mental issue as well... Sigh... it was a sad sight. To be honest. I don't think that Korea is very elderly or handicapped friendly at all....


Okay to be honest, I have no idea what mall it was that we visited, but it was at least five stories high, first level full of LOVELY one-of-a-kind designer clothing. Some very unique, others a little bit on the average end. Second level was much the same story. Third story I believe consisted of office attire. The fourth floor held baggages, leather purses, shoes, sunglasses, and the like. The fifth floor had... can you guess it?? Yes! FINALLY, the men's clothing. Hahaha. Sorry gent's, you gotta go to the top to get your fanciful attire.

The clothes in this shopping center are sold by individual entrepreneurial designers who design the clothing and sell only a few that they make at the time and never again sell the exact same design. I honestly find that hard to believe, seeing there are only so many designs one can devise without being redundant... but that's just my limited thinking I suppose.

The lowest price of the clothing displayed at the shopping center here was about 65,000 won, and that was for a simple but beautiful shirt. We weren't allowed to take photos... so.. sssssh! I took a sneak peak! :D I'm posting this JUST so you can get a sneak peak of what I got to see. I'm sorry if the photos are blurry. You know why I'm sure. ;)

I LOVE that dress!

This was pretty cute ^^

awesome shirt minus the hat

TADA! MY new dress :D ... and shoes ;)


  1. I love those dresses! They are so pretty and cute! I want some, I wonder where we could find a store like that here in the U.S.

  2. I'm not too sure where we could get more designer clothing in the US, though I'll be on the hunt once I get home!
