Thursday, June 14, 2012

Nam Daemun

 If you think I'm not bored of shopping, lemme tell you I am!! >.< It feels like I've been shopping every single day since I got here! (Which was about 4 weeks ago) But yes, I went to yet another place to shop: Nam Daemun. We took a subway past No Won (Hehehe no one!) and past Dong Daemun to reach our destination. It's kind of an interesting town. It's like a mix between old and new technology. It is full of very random things for sale, such as very  hot fake fur coats... I mean in the dead of summer, when the LAST thing you want is hot thick coats? Of course they had other things like socks, Korean traditional attire, shoes,  LOTS of hats, imitations of brand-name purses, hand-me-downs, and other things. It wasn't a superbly eventful day, but I'll let you see what I saw. ^^

Not happy to shop AGAIN!
This is what I got to see... some of it

Say hi peoples!

My feet and back are killin' me!... and I'm bored

Purty pink shoe.

Please tell me what you see is wrong with this >.<

More people and stuff

Recognize anybody? ;)

Making kimchi dumplings (mondoo) by hand!

Big slices of fresh fruit for sale. I don't see that around here.

The kimchi dumplings are MINE!!