Saturday, June 2, 2012

Todai Restaurant

Yes indeed there is a Todai restaurant here in Seoul! I should have known. Hahaha! The family went to the Todai restaurant for a Sunday dinner. It was a huge restaurant with about five different cultural foods, namely Korean food (of course!), Japanese food, Western food, Indian food, Noodles (dunno what culture that was supposed to be), and one other one. They also had a huge dessert selection, though the desserts offered were barely bite size. Including they had a bar. I could have had some spirits... but I was afraid of getting turned down first of all, even though I knew I would not be. And besides, I wanted juice. I took as many pictures as possible, so you can see what I saw! :D The service was good. The food was decent. We had a room all to ourselves. :D (My family consisted of four families so we needed a big room. It was cool private room!)

Bathroom and cousin! :P

Drink section

Our private room

My first plate! (I had about five...)

A portion of the restaurant

The Indian food!

Some Asian food...

More Asian food!

Korean food and niece/nephews ;)

After a very filling dinner, we took a taxi to a bar/restaurant where my cousins, sister, and I had some social time. My cousins had soju and beer, but my sis and a cousin and I had a strawberry/alcohol drink. I tasted absolutely no alcohol in it... so I wouldn't have known the difference.

My cousins :D

Afterwards we went to the Norleh Bong (Music Room literally) where we got a few more drinks and started singing. Some of my nephews and nieces joined at the Karaoke room. They had songs by Jason Mraz (sp), Lady Gaga, Eminem, Dido, Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, Josh Groban, the Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, and several others. After singing our lungs out for about three hours and deafened ears from the music, we made our way home and I tumbled into bed...

Me and sissy flipping through pages to find music while cousins and nephew and niece wait impatiently... kidding. They were great sports :D

Taejun, my nephew

Us getting ready to sing

Minjeh and a blurry Taejun

Us singing yay!!


  1. hehehe :P aww no solo from ya ;)

  2. Hehehe I actually did but I SUCKED. The stupid Karaoke thing gave me 0% :P

  3. Have your Korean relatives visited you in the U.S.?

  4. Just one aunt and uncle. They all really wish they could come though. Too bad it's so spendy >.<
