Sunday, June 10, 2012

Myong Dong

I suppose one must realize that the whole of Seoul is shopping heaven! We went to yet another city called Myong Dong that was filled with heavy pedestrian traffic and tons of stores. This is where I found an increased abundance of foreigners. Stopping at the Skyline II Hotel for a potty break, I passed by a wall covered in celebrity trinkets. The child in me burst in excitement as I went on a rampage to take photos and desire the trinkets that wouldn't ever be allowed into my grasp. Please bear with me as you'll see some of the photos I took from there. :P However, I DID manage to get a small baggie with Kim Nam Gil and a key chain with Jung Ji Hoon (Rain) on it. Woopee!!!

Lee Jun Kiiiiii! 

 Gee I love Kim Nam Gil

Fan-to-celeb heaven!! (mini heaven)

Finishing my previous intention for the pit stop, I tried to get in. But the door was pass-code-locked!! Come on, a touch pad with a password to get the toilet??? I wish I could have taken a picture, but I was too busy watching a lady shove past me and punch in the pass-code. Hah!! Got in the bathroom and it was quite nice, except for the fact that the soap dispenser was darned cheap and so was the toilet paper! So much for being secret whoever put that password on the bathroom door!

Anyways! Slowly trudging our way amongst young shoppers, we landed in a two story shopping store that seemed rather low-end compared to Dong Daemun Shopping Centers. However much of it cost around the same price as Dong Daemun, which didn't make that much sense. Nothing seemed quite exciting or eye-catching in this particular store so we made our way deeper into the shopping town. There were lots of flashy trinkets and yummy-smelling food, kind of made me hungry. To my excitement, I saw that they have a Pizza Hut here!! I sooo wanted to stop and eat some but the rest of the ladies were too interested in clothes... or maybe I'm just too interested in food? This place too is where they hold The Body Shop (from the US yay!), Forever21, Nike, and H&M!!!! Ooooh was I thrilled as I raced in. To my displeasure I realized that their styles did not appeal to me like the ones at home. Besides this, everything cost so much more than at home. After a full day of purchasing no clothes (bonus for the purse!... or wallet for men) and lots of wandering, we headed back to my aunt's house to rest our poor little feetsies.

My attempt at a shocked face... ew :P

 Some random store with lots of people

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