Monday, June 11, 2012

Feeling Like A Tourist

On Saturday night, my cousins and sis and I took off for an evening out. Sadly since I lacked a sense of direction with a language barrier, I was unable to identify my location. Sorry guys!! We were quickly surrounded by the nightlife. There were young people and couples everywhere. Here is where the strange things come out to play, as they say. Dreadlocks aren't common around here, but this night was the first I saw a man with dreadlocks! Quite long too. His hair was to his waist. This Asian guy certainly didn't match his dreads though... Also, I saw emos and people with dyed blue and green/pink hair. I thought WOW! A mild form of Portland!! Oooh how I miss you Portland. :P I took a shot at one of the quieter clubs here, because the one I wanted to go to had a line waiting outside that would take at least an hour to get through. It was very dizzying, mirrors everywhere and lights flashing like there were millions of disco balls everywhere. The music pounded to the very core of my body, almost manipulating my heartbeat! :P Despite the exciting music and lights, there was nobody there... Hm... Okay excuse my run-on here. I've never been to a club so I was a little stunned. :P After spending about ten minutes in there I left.

The line to the popular club >.< Wraps around the building.

Can you read it? That's the name of the club. :P

Walking the streets was quite the challenge. There were so many people that it felt like the I205 Portland bridge during rush hour, except instead of cars it's people. :P Oh talking of cars, there were even cars on the streets! I don't know what motivated them to drive around in the backstreets. It most certainly wasn't to take a short cut. On the grassy areas I also ran into groups of musicians performing music with their instruments and voices. There was one guy who was bopping his head to the music like crazy! Hahaha glad he was having fun. Too bad I didn't get a video of it. :P

A band surrounded by night-folk

The guy in red is the one I'm talking about...

Man so many people!!

Finally we stopped at a restaurant/bar where we sat at tables that were sunken into the floor and benches where we could dangle our feet... at least mine. I'm kinda short. :P Ordered a nice, cooooold pitcher-full of kiwi flavored 4% alcohol to sip on as I watched the traffic go by. Aaaah this is the LIFE!

 No no, not tipsy... just acting dorky


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